We work with local councils and community organisations to design and deliver youth strategy and youth planning services. We also work and train young leaders to engage with fellow young people.
One of the good things about working with The FRANK Team is that you are very low maintenance. It’s just a case of booking something in, filling out a form and you are there. This makes it easy and simple for me to organise. Content of the workshop was good and very practical
Email us on info@frankteam.com.au or 1300 953 133
The FRANK Team delivers high-impact, engaging and interactive workshops and sessions for young people around Australia.
1. Youth Councils
2. Youth Committees & Teams
3. Youth Reference Groups
4. Youth Action Groups
5. Youth Leadership Groups
6. FReeZa Groups
Audience Profiles
We work with young people from all ages and backgrounds.
Training Inclusions
– The FRANK Team will provide a project manager to oversee the booking and make the booking process seamless and smooth
– The FRANK Team will also undertake evaluations for each workshop (If requested)
Format of Training
We deliver face-to-face and virtual (via phone, Skype, online surveys) strategy support to clients. We also conduct focus group sessions with young people and stakeholders.
Duration of Strategy session
– We are able to deliver end-to-end strategy consultations, or one-off consultation workshops.
Trainers Available All Around Australia
We have trainers & facilitators based in NSW, QLD, NT and VIC and have the potential to travel around Australia.
The FRANK TEAM worked with Mildura Rural City Council to develop, design and deliver a;
– Youth Survey (Receiving over 500 responses which was higher than expected)
– Youth Charter
– Social Media Tips Page
The approach taken to deliver on the 3 objectives above was very much focused on youth participation.
The Council has a Youth Liaison Committee – and The FRANK Team worked with them and the youth programs officer to ensure that they were included throughout the process
The FRANK TEAM worked with Darwin City Council to develop and deliver their Youth Strategy. We undertook the following tasks;
– Consulted with key local stakeholders (face to face and over the phone)
– Consulted and trained local young people and local youth committees to canvas a diverse range of young people
– Researched and spoke to other LGA’s to find out about best practice approaches to delivering a Youth Strategy
– Delivered 4 focus groups on themes such as transport, body image, drug & alcohol abuse and pressure of exams